Thursday, October 25, 2012

Download Tools

Tools required for Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone in my collection for those who want to work on hacking the iPhone. Organized into neat categories. Download as well. And will have a gradually increasing as Program for transferring data between phone and computer, convert music files, movie files, which will update again.

iTunes for Mac and Windows.

Tools for Jailbreak.
Jailbreak tools for the individual, it is quite a lot that can be called by a similar, but not like it all. Users must understand that the fact that for each instance where Pwangetool and Sn0wBreeze is a tool for creating Custom Firmware (CFW), which will not change the value of the reserves Baseband Baseband or simply remove it.Redsn0w is the procedure to use a hammer and a highly stable. I have a version that is compatible with, if not I will not.The tool is extremely easy to use it is now JailbreakME 2.0 Star Spirit and by the Spirit jailbreak for iOS 3.1.3, 3.1.2, all the old and new iBoot iOS 4.0/4.0.1 by the JailbreakMe supports. The Spirit and JailbreakMe has to be run through the Activate before.Blackran1 still have some leftover for iOS 3.1.2 jailbreak, but it will not support the new iBoot (on - off usually does not).




 Download the latest version. iH8sn0w 


RedSn0w 0.9.6rc19 (Mac):


 Download the latest version.


 For Jailbreak iOS 4.0-4.1


Support All iDevices with iOS 3.1.2, 3.1.3 machine must Activate (on the Home page) only. 

JailbreakMe 2.0 Star

This last Jailbreak iDevices currently supports all versions of the new out with the old iBoot iOS 4.0/4.0.1.   Through iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad all with iOS 4.0, iOS 4.0.


  • greenpois0n rc
  • greenpois0n rc5
  • greenpois0n rc6

 Other tools.

TinyUmbrella(for windows)
Store the ECID SHSH.

Download the latest version TFWU


Calibrated for the files on the iPhone.


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